Friday, May 04, 2007

From The Wires...

From the AP:
JONESTOWN, Virginia. - At a ceremonial luncheon today, Vice President Richard B. Cheney struck England's Queen Elizabeth II in the face today, breaking her jaw and sending her to Jonestown's Augusta Medical Center with a slight concussion. In a similar incident, Cheney hurled an empty wooden barrel at his wife, Lynne, crushing her left leg. Mrs. Cheney was also sent to the hospital with a collapsed femoral artery. Both women were listed in stable condition, but were held overnight for observation.

The Vice President stated that both women were "matriarchal cunts" that had haunted him for decades, and that he had been biding his time for the attack until he had both of them in the same place at the same time. He also stated that "the uppity niggers" that were included in the Jonestown presentation for the Queen had upset him greatly, but that given his knowledge of Virginia Common Law, he knew he could fell the two aging women without consequence. Unfortunately for the Vice President, he had no knowledge that an attack on African Americans in Virginia bears no legal consequences either.


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