Monday, March 26, 2007

House Rules

Sorry for the lack of posts. Bad blogger, bad!

Onward. Matt Taibbi has a pretty quick read that will give you some insight into how the Chamber of People's Deputies (a.k.a. the House of Representatives) works. In a story that centers around Florida Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-Asshole), we're treated to this:

I've spent a good deal of time in the Rules Committee in the past few years and I watched that cocksucker sit there with a gloating, cat-who-has-just-eaten-mouse smile as the likes of Jim McGovern, Louise Slaughter and Alcee Hastings begged, literally begged to have this or that amendment allowed (or "made in order," as they say in Congress) so that it could be voted on by the whole Congress. Since Dreier for the most part couldn't be bothered to show up at the committee hearings, it was usually Diaz-Balart who sat in the chairman's chair and chided the Democrats or their witnesses to shut the fuck up.

And it was Diaz-Balart who at the end of the afternoon would gently stack his papers and disappear behind the majority office door so that the bills could be bastardized, clipped and/or rewritten in the middle of the night. In the 108th Congress, for instance, 78 of the 191 rules were reported after 8:00 p.m., and 21 of those were reported at 7:00 a.m. the next day...
If you like to hear about Republicans acting like foot-stomping panty-wastes, this one's for you.
(credit goes to Billmon for the "Chamber" title)


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