Monday, December 11, 2006

Thickness of the Bubble

From Paul Bedard at U.S. News:

And now we learn that President Bush really believed the GOP was safe, too. On the day before the elections, he asked embattled House gop leader Dennis Hastert to run for speaker again so he could guide the White House's agenda in Congress.

This appears to be a rumor, but given what we know, it sounds credible. If true, I guess Karl Rove really did have him convinced that the numbers he had were accurate. Guess that didn't turn out so well, huh? Hastert's been booted from the leadership entirely.

And via Steve Benan at the Carpetbagger Report, this from the New York Daily News:

Outside Republican sources report that except for isolated pockets of realism, the West Wing bunker hasn't yet absorbed Bush's diminished power.

"The White House is totally constipated," a former aide complained. "There's not enough adult leadership, and the 30-year-olds still think it's 2000 and they're riding high."

One White House assistant insisted to a friend last week that the election was merely a repudiation of Bush's execution, not his policies.

"They don't get it," a GOP mandarin snapped. "The Iraq report was their brass ring to pivot and salvage the last two years, and they didn't grab it."


"We will get an immigration bill, and the President will make a valiant but doomed attempt at entitlement reform," he said. "But we are looking at two frustrating years of gridlock and several foreign policy failures."

Several foreign policy failures? Sounds promising. I wonder which ones that person has in mind.


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