Thursday, March 29, 2007

Iraq: Forward Thinking

I don't always agree with Kevin Drum of The Washington Monthly, but he's been consistent on this, and he couldn't be more right:

Every day that we stay in Iraq does further damage to our long-range best interests in the Middle East. At best, that would be worth it only if our continued presence there were likely to bring a measure of peace to Iraq itself. The failure of Tal Afar suggests that we don't have either the manpower or the ability to do that, and that in turn means we're literally accomplishing nothing in Iraq except making things worse along almost every dimension.

The sooner we get out of Iraq, the sooner we can rethink our recklessly militaristic approach to the war on terror and instead start applying some common sense to the problem. Unfortunately, it looks like we still have a couple more years of digging ourselves deeper into a hole before that will happen. 2009 can't come soon enough.

Go read the full post, and see what you think.

It appears the U.S. Military is pouring massive amounts of concrete to form four permanent bases in Iraq, which might suggest that the U.S. will never leave Iraq. A continuation of current American policy in the region past the next presidential election will tell us all what the U.S. has in mind for the region. Stay tuned. Think oil policy vis-a-vis China, Russia, and Iran.


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