Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Out Of The Bubble?

Bush's Bubble, the cacoon he governs from, is now the subject of pin-ups in Newsweek and Time magazines. And, low and behold, there's shock and surprise from some quarters that he may be busting out: via Dan Foomkin at the Washington Post:

Here's something you don't see every day: Kind words from Bush's traditionally toughest critics.

Tim Grieve writes in Salon that "more often than not, Bush unscripted was a whole lot better than the teleprompted president has been lately. He may not be able to change the way Americans think about Iraq, but more appearances like this one could change the way Americans think about their president. As the New York Times said the other day, Bush should get out more."

The Carpetbagger blogs: "To be sure, this is a pleasantly surprising development. Maybe it's because of the Newsweek cover , or maybe it's because Brian Williams is following Bush around today and they wanted to score some p.r. points, or maybe the Bush gang decided to just take a chance. Whatever the motivation, they're to be congratulated -- allowing the president to hear five questions from regular Americans may seem pretty routine for a president, but for these guys, it's a quite a breakthrough."

Ooooo!!! I'm excited, aren't you?!?!?!? Okay, maybe not so much. I'll go with Kevin Drum's repsonse, in which he calls both the Time and Newsweek pieces "thumbsuckers". Sweet:
It's a measure of just how far into his bubble Bush is that these kinds of routine activities are supposed to be newsworthy.
Clinton met with Republicans all the time, and to be fair, they controlled the House so he needed their support to get anything done. Bush, especially in his first term, governed as if Democrats didn't exist. They were to be pee'd on, not spoken to. Like I said before, let's everyone grow up and get a hold of the new rules for fuck's sake.


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