Friday, December 09, 2005

The RNC Attacks

The Republican National Committee that is. You can go see their "retreat and defeat" attack ad aimed at Democrats over at (I won't provide a link to it).

As Dan Froomkin of the Washinton Post pointed out the other day, the polls on what exactly the U.S. should do about Iraq are all over the place, and it usually depends on how the questions are asked (go see Dan's article to see what all that means).

I'm sure the RNC ad makes for good politics in their view because it will shore up their base, but a majority of Americans really aren't too enthusiastic about how the President is performing. From the Polling Report:
Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation with Iraq?

Approve - 36%
Disapprove - 59%
And take a look at Independants, the swing voters:
Approve - 33%
Disapprove - 61%
"Stay the course" ain't working, and they know it. What to do? Change the policy? Present a plan? That's for sissies. Attack the Democrats. That'll work. Oh yeah, and send George W. Bush out onto the hustings to do what he does best: campaign. The only problem with that is this time he's campaigning against himself. Poor guy. Don't you feel for him?


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