Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Don't Show Your Hand, You Jerk...

Funny what you can hear if you actually listen. From the AP, here's the President today:
"People don't want me making decisions based on politics," Bush said.
Now I've heard some good Doublespeak from Bush and his handlers, but this one should go down as a classic. In this deliberate attempt to obfuscate and kick up lots of dust, the President is actually explaining exactly what he's up to: making decisions based on which way the political winds blow. What a silly.

Add some lying, and you have a nice Pasta Primivera of rhetorical English language horseshit (shrimp or veggies optional):
"They want me making decisions based on the recommendations of our generals on the ground. And that's exactly who I'll be listening to."
No you won't. You're a fucking liar. And, who is They anyway? These guys make Joseph Goebbels look like he was playing with Lincoln Logs.


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