Here's Some Fun
From Sam Rosenfeld over at the American Prospect:HOWDY DOODIER. Late last week saw some truly startling outbreaks of acrimony in the House of Representatives, the most notable being brand-new Ohio rep Jean Schmidt's floor statement, quoting from a Marine veteran constituent and addressed to John Murtha, that "cowards cut and run." Max Blumenthal performs the service of telling us just who this Marine constituent of Schmidt's is: surprise, surprise, a seasoned right-wing activist and operative. Meanwhile, Schmidt's explanation that she wasn't aware of Murtha's military history ("'The poor lady didn't know Jack Murtha was a Marine -- she really just ran into a hornet's nest,' said Representative Jack Kingston of Georgia.") strains some credulity given the amount of attention and the number of statements dedicated to Murtha during the second half of last week. But if it's true it just goes to show you that members could really stand to spend more of their time on Capitol Hill.By the way, that's not Putnam in the middle. Either way, it's pretty clear the nimrod quality shines through in both of them...Meanwhile, another highlight of last week's House antics came during the fight over the reconciliation bill, when Arkansas Democrat Marion Berry railed at some young Republican turks who had been taunting his Blue Dog coalition and made reference to "that other Howdy Doody-lookin' nimrod." As subscription-only Roll Call confirms today, reports that Florida Republican Adam Putnam was the nimrod in question are mistaken -- Berry meant to attach the Howdy Doody moniker to Jeb Hensarling of Texas, something he has apparently done in the past. This is sort of a shame, and a real puzzle, because if you compare Hensarling
to Putnam,
I think it's clear who wins the Doody lookalike contest.
I think Berry looks like Howdy Doody.
You decide. Judge the beauty contest.
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