War and Peace
I sure wish I could write, and blog, like this lady does. For example, Laura Rosen points us to this piece from Democracy Arsenal:In a nutshell: prefect political cover for a withdrawal from Iraq....I know what some will argue: how can we believe that we are getting out when Bush is clearly saying that we are not, as he did last week after a Pentagon briefing? In many ways, that’s the point. Bush is not going to give the anti-war movement a victory by standing up and saying: I’m wrong, I’m sorry, we’re failing, and now we are going to come home with our tails between our legs. And I don’t think this is only because of his arrogance: President’s rarely do that (the last I can think of is Ronald Reagan’s pullout of Lebanon after the Marine barracks bombing).
What Bush will do is continue what he has been doing: push the imperfect political process along (in the face of criticism from think tankers and experts), slowly begin withdrawing, and talk up the glass-half-full argument. He can do this because he knows that even as things tailspin downward in Iraq, as long as our troops are leaving his political opposition won’t have the clout or support to offer the alternative -- to keep our troops there.
p.s. If you care about American security, as I do, Laura is a must read. Plus, she has links to her recent print atricles...Sweetness achieved.
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