Thursday, December 01, 2005

Surprise, Surprise

The left side of the blogostan is all a twitter about the story that the Pentagon's psy-ops people have paid Iraqi newspapers to plant phony stories. Ooo, and there's even worry that it may cause "blowback" here at home because the American media may source some of the stories, obviously based on the fake reporting. And then there's all the outrage. Boo Fucking Hoo.

My only question is: would you expect anything less of Donald Rumsfeld's Pentagon? Please people. The Republican Party uses propaganda and information warfare here in the U.S. on a daily basis. So, we're all to be shocked when they use it in Iraq?

Call me a cynic, but I'm numb to getting worked up about any of the Cheney administration's shenanigans. It's all of the same piece. And you know what? The American public is so cowed, bought, and sold, they couldn't care less. Drive to the Mall you fucking morons, there's no such thing as a War in Iraq, nevermind the meta-detail about a home-grown insurgency.

One thing the average person doesn't realize is that we're all children of Democracy. The Founding Fathers laid out a blueprint, but if we don't follow it fairly closely, we're no better than any other third-world banana shit hole. America's democracy is just under 230 years old, and that's a sliver of time if you're a historian. And now we're supposed to be exporting the whole adventure to the rest of the Muslim world?

Isn't it the ultimate projection to claim you're spreading democracy abroad while you systematically crush it here at home?

I know this diatribe has been all over the map, but seriously, Grow Up America. What The Fuck...


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