Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Via Digby, we get this story from the AP:

Two teachers arrested at a 2004 campaign rally for President Bush and strip-searched at a county jail have filed a lawsuit alleging law officers conspired to violate their constitutional rights.

Alice McCabe and Christine Nelson, both in their 50s, were among five protesters arrested at the Sept. 3 rally. The pair were handcuffed, taken to the county jail, strip-searched and charged with criminal trespass.
Once again, they were strip-searched. What kind of country do we now live in where two 50 year old women, school teachers no less, are violated in this way? Here's the kicker:
The charges were dropped months later.
In other words, they were arrested for no reason whatsoever. While the news is packed with stories of the runaway bride, where is the public outrage for this? It reels the mind...


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