Saturday, April 30, 2005

Why is this a National Story?

As of 6:26 EST today, and really all day, if you went to CNN's website, the top story has been about some woman from Georgia who faked her own kidnapping because she got cold feet due to her upcoming nuptials. All I can say, or scream for that matter, is WHO CARES? As CNN devolves into the Tabloid News Network, is this what Americans really care that much about? I can see the local news in Georgia making a big fuss about this, but does it really warrant national coverage? What's next, Fido ran away because I switched his brand of kibble? Jeebus Christmas.

The simple truth is that today's news media, and CNN in particular, is NOT doing it's job of making sure the American public is getting the information it needs to really be an informed body, and thereby undermining our democracy. That's what's really at stake here. Five American soldiers were killed in Iraq today, making it nine dead since Thursday. The man who President Bush has nominated to be the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. lied to Congress.

So, which story do you think is more important to maintaining our democracy, a conservative demagogue stomping around the globe screwing up U.S. foreign policy and lying to Congress, or some floozy from the south who doesn't want to marry someone who's probably a bigger jerk than she is? It makes me want to smash my television!


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