Thursday, April 07, 2005


Via First Draft, we have this letter to the Editor of the Lawrence Journal-World (Lawrence, Kansas):

To the editor:
My wife and I, both veterans of the U.S. military, found out the truth about Republican support for veterans at Ann Coulter's lecture last Tuesday. After I, a former Marine infantry sergeant, asked Coulter how she defended her promotion of the war, based on lies, which has sent 1,500 of my brothers and sisters to their deaths and 100,000 Iraqis to their graves, she responded that, "you're even stupider than I thought." This received an abundance of applause from the party that claims to "support our troops."

At the same moment, several Republicans hurled obscenities at my wife, a Navy veteran, and one threatened her with physical violence, stating he would kick her in the head if she didn't "shut up," when she was asking Coulter a question. The Republican Party claims to "support the troops," but who qualifies as a "troop"? Is the "troop" label only legit when we agree with the Republican stance, even if that "troop" has served in uniform bravely and selflessly for four years?

This is the manner in which the Republican Party treats its veterans that disagree with them. They threaten them with violence and call them names like "stupid," "f-ing bitch," or "idiot," all of which were hurled at my wife and I at Coulter's talk, despite our service to this nation. Ask yourselves this question, Lawrence: Why do you think they need to attack free-thinking veterans?

Chris White,
Nice how Ann and her minions are treating our veterans. And right there in the Heartland too. What a horrid creation this woman is. She's a malignent tumor on legs. Now, you might say, "hey, you're way out of line Buster, she's a best-selling author!". Oh yeah? Here's some more Ann:

On Iraq:
"I think if it got to the point where it was going on for six, seven years, and it was just Americans patrolling without killing anyone -- I'm getting a little fed up with hearing about, oh, civilian casualties. I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning."
On Iran:
"They're a major threat. I just think it would be fun to nuke them and have it be a warning to the rest of the world."
On Mecca:
"Seriously, I think the rest of the countries in the Middle East, after Afghanistan and Iraq, they're pretty much George Bush's bitch,..."
On Hillary Clinton:
"She's like the anti-feminist. No, except she isn't -- because all feminists behave that way and pretend to be, 'Oh, I'm a strong woman.' They're all weak and pathetic."
On Bill Clinton:
"Well, he was a very good rapist. I think that should not be forgotten."
On her Christmas in New York City:
"Oh, it was so much fun this year, because saying 'Merry Christmas' is like saying 'F--k you!' I've said it to everyone. You know, cab drivers, passing people on the street, whatever. And they come up with the 'Happy holidays.'"


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