Friday, April 22, 2005

Alaska National Wildlife Reserve

Here's something that's been sticking in my craw, and after reading this polemic backwash, I had to write something:
Get ready to ship the oil rigs up north to the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge! The House of Representatives passed a bill yesterday authorizing drilling in the area that was meant to be drilled in from the very start. It is expected that the region could produce 1 million barrels of oil a day.

Naturally, Democrats are opposed. So is the leftist mainstream media, which is (just like they always have) engaging in a disinformation campaign when it comes to ANWR. There are two methods the mainstream media uses to deceive television viewers when reporting on this issue. First, if they do happen to show the area where the actual exploration will take place, they will only show it in the Summer...

...But the left doesn't want us to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. Their goal is a weaker America. An energy dependent America is a weaker America. Sure. they talk about it. give it a lot of lip service. But how many of those limousine liberals get into their fuel-guzzling private jets or their gas-hogging SUVs and ride around bitching about gas prices just like everyone else? The answer is all of them. An independent energy policy in the United States would bring down gas prices, make us less vulnerable to the whims of the terrorist-supporting Islamic sheiks that make up OPEC.

But alas, cheaper gas prices are good for the Bush administration. Remember, if it's good for America, expect Democrats to be opposed. The bill now goes to the Senate. Don't hold your breath.
Let's exhale and take a look at what's really going on here. As the writer of the above filth acknowledges, there's upwards of 10.5 billion barrels of oil to be had in ANWR. So, let's break that down:
  • # of barrels of oil estimated to be in ANWR: 10.5 billion
  • # of barrels of oil consumed worldwide daily: 82 million
  • # of barrels of oil the U.S. consumes daily: 20.5 million (25% of world consumption)
(Handy solar calculator please) So, if they pumped every single drop of oil out of that reserve, based on the above estimate, it would be enough to satiate world consumption for 128 days.

Further, if we in the U.S. were greedy and kept that all to ourselves, it would last one year and 247 days.

1 Year, 247 Days.

That's it folks. That's what you'll get for opening up ANWR, and so I gather the Democrats deserve a nasty tongue lashing for opposing that big of an energy bonanza.

I guess either Mr. Boortz really didn't think this through, or somehow saw it more important to bash the left and really never cared about giving his audience any perspective. I leave it to you...


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