Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November Surprise? The Media.

Way back when, I predicted that reducing the number of troops in Iraq, along with parades and patriotic fanfare, and another declaration of "We're Winning", would be the big October surprise.

I knew I was wrong months ago when reports kept dribbling in about increases in troop numbers, Operation Together Forward in Baghdad, and Rove planning on driving the votes home by highlighting the war.

Stupid me.

Now, it seems the news networks want a hand in helping the GOP grunt the ball over the goal line. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens on Tuesday, but one flub by the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate has sent to media into a mindless frenzy. Apparently, the numerous dictums, even recent ones, from our man-child president are just ho-hum by now; six years into his failed presidency. He's an idiot that can't speak well, yes, but he sure is authentic!

I know, I'm being gloomy, and I hope this flap goes away before it's featured as the first story on the nightly news for the third fucking night in a row.

I watched with mort and marvel as Tim Russert, NBC's political "expert", grabbed his lower lip, yanked it over his pumpkin-sized head, and uttered this shit:
First the Democrats, they are furious about this because this is the third news cycle that this has dominated political news coverage...
Stop right there. Another Democratic circular firing squad, all generated by the media. Why is this the third consecutive news cycle where this has dominated everything? Because, for morons like you Tim, that's what passes for actual news.

Every time I see a little sign that our country may be on a path towards better leadership, I see this filth that passes for news, and I'm left wondering who will vote which way, or who will even vote.

Even if the Dem's gain control of one House, the sniping from the Right will be merciless, haughty, sickening, and un-American. It's coming...


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