Friday, September 08, 2006

More Intolerable Ignorance

From a recent CNN poll:
"Do you think Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11th terrorist attacks, or not?" Half sample, MoE ± 4.5

Yes - 43%
No - 52%
Unsure - 6%

8/30 - 9/2/06

This completely unacceptable. Every newspaper, newscast, and legitimate news website in the country needs to blare the fact that Iraq nothing to do with 9/11. And, apparently this needs to re-run every single day until we get the number of people who do believe this falsehood down into the safety zone of only 10%, the makeup of which would consist of only complete whackjobs. This American boobheaded ignorance is really driving me nuts of late, and I'm starting to think it's not just ignorance but stupidity on a massive scale. Perhaps Billmon said it best today:

"How much longer can this corrupt, idiotic excuse for a republic keep stumbling along on sheer inertia?"

Good question. If these types of things don't straightened out soon, my guess would be not much longer. In addition, if this continues, I'll be convinced that most Americans are Functional Political Retards.


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