Wednesday, September 06, 2006

TPM Cafe

Over at Josh Marshall's joint, he asked the following:

I guess it's right to stay true to form. In a report out today, the Bush administration is saying that on the fifth anniversary of 9/11 "America is safer but we are not yet safe."

I take this to mean that just in time for the November elections we have arrived at the administration's sweet spot of terror preparedness: a lot safer thanks to all the good things the president has done to foil the terrorists but also not so safe that people should feel safe enough to vote for the traitorous Democrats.

Truly the sweet spot.

In response to that, I wrote the following:

I would argue the average American isn't stupid, but he/she is certainly woefully ignorant about politics in general. It took forever for the American public to come around on the Cheney administration's incompetance. Cynically, I think Rove and Bush know this and figure the only items most of the American public will be exposed to is the sound bites that come from these three speeches. Hence, all the repetition of the same trite rhetoric.

After the president was re-elected, it's clear that the American public is nothing more than a mirror of George W. Bush.

Time will tell if ignorance and fear will win Bush and Rove another election.

As for the sweet spot, it struck me the same way; Republicans are the ones that can protect you, but always remain ever fearful of your future.

They sure have brought us low.

Just wanted to share this with the millions of readers I attract here every day. Indeed.


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