Thursday, November 09, 2006

Big Doin's


The House and the Senate.

Pretty Sweet.

Now the circular firing squad is in full effect on the Right. It'll continue for a couple of months at least due to all the ensuing firings and "stepping downs".

Looking back, it kills me how much time and how many lives have been wasted in Iraq, just so a bunch of idealouges could prove they were right all along, even though many of us knew they were wrong about literally everything. Sickening and tragic at the same time.

This midterm election was a call for a massive shift in the political direction our country. And none too soon.

Look for hard core conservatives to start braying about how it was never conservatism that failed, only the GOP's implementation of it. Let's drown that baby in the tub now. It's a fallacy. The generations that follow mine will become more and more open to different ideas, which in turn means more and more centrist and liberal.

The future, from my vantage point anyway, just turned a lot brighter.


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