Friday, June 30, 2006

Pierce That Turd

Charles Pierce always delivers:


So, just to take a clear stand against the rising tide of overt Young
Fogeyhood around these parts, I wear baseball caps, okay? My current one comes from Three Chimneys Farm in Kentucky. I wear them for comfort and for style, and because several centuries of Hibernian breeding left me with skin that is well-nigh translucent. I also wear them so that, when I read something like this, I have something handy I can throw across the room besides the obvious cursewords.

Who dealt this mess? I mean, a group of important someones at Time freaking Magazine need an essay on the lessons to be learned from TR's politics, and they all decide to hire a goon who should be kept away from elections for the same reasons we keep Charlie Manson away from the cutlery. And not only that, but a goon who spent a flat year hanging one of Time's own reporters out to dry. Karl Rove is not a historian. Karl Rove is not a political theorist. Karl Rove is not any combination of the two. He's a vandal and a thug who would tear the Time-Life Building down for a parking lot if he thought it would mean five points on the next Gallup Poll. [my emph]

"There can be great joy in politics," reads the piece.

Great joy in politics.

Karl Rove.

Holy mother of God.

--Charles P. Pierce

Praise be. I wrote last year:
As Josh Marshall puts it: "I guess we needed more evidence that Karl Rove is the most despicable man on the American political scene today."

I couldn't agree more. I wonder if the American political scene has ever had anyone that will stoop as low as this man. I can't remember one. Lee Atwood comes to mind, but Karl has him beat by a mile. I also wonder how history will judge him as well. My guess is it won't be pretty.

I personally can't think of a more loathesome character, a vile, repugnant creature who knows fecses so well because he flings it and wallows in it constantly.
I'd go a little further today: Karl Rove is the worst thing to happen to American politics in over a century. He's got all the traits; divisive, cynical, treating the body politic as stupid cows, throwing red meat to and at Bush's right-wing base, and lowering the level of discourse to tabloid standards. The sad part is that this will become the new standard for the GOP. Smear, lie, and divide.

Karl is a an export from Texas (of course). He's a shit-filled toothpaste tube we all have to use every morning, and he until he leaves the White House on 1/21/09, we'll all have to suffer the taste. Maybe we'll still have a democracy left when he's gone, who knows.


At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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