Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Port Politics

This week's big story is just more bad mojo for the Bush administration, and while he doesn't know it yet, it's a big loser for him and his party. The optics on this one are horrible for the president (and especially for GOP House members facing re-election this fall).

I'm sure Karl Rove is happy to have the whole Cheney shooting is off the front pages, but not under these circumstances. There's a bonus though: it also gets the warrantless wiretaping broo-ha-ha out of the headlines too.

With so much opposition, I think it'll play out like this: kick the can down the road. Rove can advise they delay the decision after a more thorough review (45 days), and then bring it up again when no one's paying attention. Risky, but it could work.

Here's the key, as always: this will go through as long as their is no Republican political price to pay. If there's some other big story dominating the headlines that week, they'll put it into a Friday night news-dump, and for the media, it will become a footnote.

With the amount of pressure that's been building over the last couple of days, given that such force will continue to mount, I can't see Bush handing the Democrats the first veto of his administration on this issue.

Reporters and Editors should mark their calenders. Make sure you know the exact date the review is due, and make sure everyone knows what has been decided.

A presdential veto of a congressional bill blocking this sale is out of play. I would be shocked if that took place. If this White House has demonstrated anything, it's their skill in bullying Congress to bend to their will. Even more shocking would be a congressional vote overturning that veto, but hey, folks in Congress have to save their asses, and if that means forcing Bush into lame-duckiness before the midterm elections, so be it. As I said, Karl is not going to let that happen.

Despite Bush's bold pronouncements today, he's already toast on this one. Someone will inform him of that fact sometime this week.

Update: 2/26/06 6:20:00 PM
Wow, that was an easy call. Kick the can down the road they did. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Flunkie) seems to have brokered a deal with Dubai Ports World and the administation to grant that 45 day review. This really stinks of a face-saving move by the White House, nevermind Frist's complete tumble on the issue.

I also heard that the whole deal is set to close this Thursday, meaning the whole review is nothing more than silly sham. I'll see if I can find out more about that item.

A note to the good citizens of Tennessee: I know in my heart you people are much smarter and more savvy than the Senator that represents you. That man is a laughingstock. He rolls on you folks like a good dog anytime the White House yells boo. He's a reed in the wind, a mouthpiece, and worst of all, a fraud. (We have one just like him in the state where I live.) Good for us all that the Titmouse from Tennessee leaves us all in January of 2009.


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