Thursday, September 01, 2005


I've been trying to get my head around what's happened today New Orleans, and what's still going on, and the enormity of it all really floors me.

The question for me is, given that FEMA was gutted, and the budgets for projects aimed at improving the levees were slashed, could the flooding of New Orleans have been avoided? I'm not an engineer, and I'm certainly not there, so it's hard for me make any informed guess. Maybe that's something we'll never really know. But all the warning signs were there in plain view. FEMA itself put it as number three on their list of the most probable disasters facing our country.

How will Americans see their government six months or a year from now? There will be plenty of blame to go around after all this is over, and maybe no herculain effort could've avoided such a shocking loss of life, nevermind an entire city.

I guess we'll all have to wait and see, but for right now, the fact that thousands of people are dying in a major American city because they lack food and water is beyond my grasp.


At 10:00 PM, Blogger MQ said...

Not sure I agree with your general disdain for Bush, but as far as Katrina is concerned, my thoughts exactly...

If I see one more dehydrated baby or dead old person and then see politicians on the TV instead of hundreds of Army choppers dropping tons of MREs and water...I'm going to scream. Can't help but think of my own kids...


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